In numbers


Small charities


Total annual income of small charities


Total annual expenditure of small charities

Key Findings

  • 18% of small charities work in London, the largest region in England and Wales
  • Small charities in London receive 26% of the overall annual income in England and Wales, the highest regional share.
  • 76% of small charities working in London have an income of under £100k.
  • 25% of the value of COVID-19 grants have been distributed to small charities in London.

Number of small charities by cause

Number of small charities by income size

Number of small charities by beneficiary type

Voluntary sector funding


Main sources of income for small charities

What are the main sources of income for small charities? How do charities fundraise?

Find out more

The impact of Covid-19 on small charities

How has COVID-19 affected the needs and services of small charities? What challenges has COVID-19 posed?

Find out more

Further reading

360 Giving Explore grantmaking data in your region

CharityBase Explore charities in your locality

Lloyds Bank Foundation, Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research (CRESR), Sheffield Business School (SBS), the Centre for Voluntary Sector Leadership (CVSL) at the Open University, and the Institute for Voluntary Action Research (IVAR) 2018 The value of small: In-depth research into the distinctive contribution, value and experiences of small and medium-sized charities in Ealing.